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Jordan Thiam
Hao Wei

is an audio engineer whose passion and expertise span various domains of audio production. A versatile producer, sound editor, and sound designer, Jordan is also adept at mixing and mastering. His portfolio boasts an eclectic array of genres, from the vibrant rhythms of rock and jazz to the gritty intensity of hip hop and extreme metal. As a recording engineer, he has collaborated with a diverse roster of local talents, including the likes of Inflake and Fuan.

Year 3 Final Year Project

For the project, I recorded, mixed and mastered my friend's Debut EP for my Final Year Project with Pro ToolsThe EP will be out on Spotify and other streaming platforms by early 2025.

Orange Th100 and Koch Loadbox_edited.jpg




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Year 2 Studio Project

For the project, we recorded an ensemble from the Diploma in Music Performance students and then I mixed the recorded tracks for the final submission.

Currently immersed in the pursuit of his Diploma in Audio Production at LASALLE College of the Arts, Jordan is on a relentless quest for sonic perfection. Beyond the confines of academia, he thrives in his exploration of new musical realms, constantly seeking out the elusive essence of the perfect guitar sound.


In a world where music is both his passion and his profession, Jordan Thiam Hao Wei stands as a testament to the boundless creativity and unwavering dedication of Singapore's emerging music scene.

MomentsControlled Chaos
00:00 / 04:37

My Mixes & Masters

Listen on Spotify

Listen on SoundCloud


Live Sound Experience


Lunch Time Concert: BA(HONS) Music Level 3 Pop Showcase

20 Feb 2023

FOH Engineer

Lunch Time Concert:

The Beatbox House

13 Feb 2023

Stage Crew

Lunch Time Concert:

Black Zenith

6 Feb 2023

Stage Crew


Lunch Time Concert: Arkroyal

30 Jan 2023

Stage Crew

Fleeting Feelings Festival

12 Sep 2022 - 19 Sep 2022

FOH engineer


Lunch Time Concert:

Calvin Koh

16 Jan 2023

FOH engineer

Diploma In Music Performance
Year 2 Showcase

8 Feb 2021 - 9 Feb 2021

FOH engineer, Mon engineer, Stage Crew

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